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of Self-Dependence among Kuwaiti Elderly Population of Abdullah Al-Salem
Area Dr.
Abeer Khaled Al-Baho, Abdullah Al-Salem Clinic for Family Medicine,
Abdullah Al-Salem area, Kuwait. Tel: (Office) + 965 2562372; Tel/fax:
+ 965 2533134 - E-mail: abeerkhaled@hotmail.com Kuwait
Medical Journal 2003, 35 (2): 98-104 ABSTRACT Objectives:
study the socio-demographic and health characteristics of Kuwaiti elderly
patients 65 years of age and above and the factors influencing their
selfdependence for the performance of activities of daily living (ADL). Design:
observational study of a random sample of Kuwaiti elderly patients 65-year-old
and above; 11 3 patients included. Setting:
Al- Salem area / Kuwait 1998-2000. Main
outcome measures: A
description of the major socio-demographic and health characteristics;
and determination of the major factors influencing selfdependence for
the performance of ADL. Results:
majority were below 85 years of age (74.3%), married (65%), having hearing
defects (80%) and visual defects (91%), 17.8% were demented and 25%
showed Abeer
Khaled Al-Baho Abdullah
Al-Salem Clinic for Family Medicine, Abdullah Al-Salem area, Kuwait
of depression. These patients were mainly selfdependent for ADL (64%)
and there was no significant correlation of self-dependence to the adequacy
of social support, to sex or to the medical diseases the patient had.
Out of 113 patients, 87 were seen in the clinic and 26 were seen at
home. Mann-Whitney comparison test showed high statistical significance
(P = 0.00) when comparing those seen in the clinic to those seen at
home in relation to their age, marital status, mobility, general mental
state, self-dependence, general appearance and nutritional state. Conclusions:
psycho-mental status and physical status have tremendous effects on
self-dependence for ADL. Although nothing can stop aging, a lot can
be done to encourage preventive initiatives to help maintain physical
independence. INTRODUCTION Older
Americans are living longer and living better than ever before, but
many of those aged 65 and older face disability, chronic health conditions
or economic stress. The number and proportion of older people in the
United States’ population have grown and generally will continue to
grow at a very
rapid pace[1].
The older population, persons 65 or
older, numbered 34.1 million in 1997. They represented 12.7% of the
US population, about one in
every eight Americans[2].
By the year 2030, the proportion
of those over the age of 85 is expected to increase by as much as six
fold in some Western nations[3].
In Kuwait, the total number of elderly patients all over the
country is 21,954[4],
the total population
of patients in Abdullah Al-Salem area is 17,083 of which the Kuwaiti
geriatric patients account
for 2.4% i.e., 530[4].
The problem of ageing population
continues to attract the attention of the World Health Organization.
For instance, Leopold (1996), quoting Alexandra Kaleche, head of World
Health Organization’s department of ageing and health, reported “that
by 2020, more than 1.2 billion people will be over 65 years old, three
quarters of them
in the developing world”[5].
Recognizing the importance
of health supervision of the elderly, an institution for the care of
the elderly was established to provide care for the relatively lonely
and destitute elderly in Kuwait. However, the scope of elderly care
should be consistent with the socio-cultural, psychological and physiological
imperatives. There is there f o re, a need to characterize the multiple
factors that are constantly interacting in the independent state of
life of the elderly in the community. Understanding this will inevitably
lead to a better program planning and consequently maximize the utilization
of such services. There has been a lot of studies in the literature,
highlighting the definition, health assessment, consequences of ageing,
and how best to organize the individual and community resources to deal
with it. Studies
have shown that formalized comprehensive elderly assessments can result
in improved survival, reduced hospital and nursing home stays, lower
medical costs, and improved functional status for individuals undergoing
such assessments[6].
Care of the elderly can be improved
a thorough work-up in primary care office. Pre-visit
questionnaires help patients and families focus the initial interview
on specific health concerns. Attention to target areas of functional
disability can help direct medical care to maintain independence, as
functional impairment cannot be predicted by the number or severity
of medical diagnoses[6,7].
Although an appropriate institution was
established to provide care for the elderly in Kuwait, findings from
a recent study of the inmates of one of such institutions seemed to
suggest a need for a comprehensive assessment of the health and health-related
needs of the elderly. However, there have not been many studies on assessment
of the needs of the elderly in Kuwait. The
study mentioned earlier, focused mainly on psycho-geriatric problems
of 23 elderly male patients
in a geriatric home[8].
Results from this study
emphasized the need for prevention and minimization of social and mental
problems in the old as well as physical problems. It also emphasized
the important role of the elderly family support to prevent mental and
psychological deterioration. The objectives of the current study therefore,
were to study the factors influencing the independence in performance
of the activities of daily living (ADL) of the elderly population.
were phrased in Arabic and the questionnaire was pilot-tested on a random
sample of 20 patients selected from waiting rooms in the clinic to assess
the easiness of the questions to the patients and their understanding
of each question. The wording of some of the questions was modified
before the formal administration of the questionnaire. Reassurance for
the respondents for confidentiality of the information and results was
offered. All data management and analyses were done using the SPSS Statistical
Program. X2
was used to assess the significance of differences in the distribution
of selected sociodemographic and health characteristics among participants
with P < 0.05 considered as significant. Self-dependence for A D
L was defined as the dependent variable. Age, sex, marital status, medical
diagnoses, social status, mobility, nutritional state, mental state
and depression were the independent variables. Spearman’s Correlation
test was used with P value < 0.01 considered highly significant.
Mann-Whitney testing was used to compare those who received care in
the clinic with those who were seen at home; P < 0.01 was considered
significant. RESULTS Socio-demographic Characteristics: Table 1 shows the major socio-demographic characteristics of the studied population in which the majority were below the age of 85 (74%), the mean age of participants was 78.3 ± 6, (range 76 - 79), the majority were females (70%), married (65%), had adequate social support (55%), and the majority never lived alone 96.5% and 77% were living in nuclear family. The majority never smoked (72%), 21% were smokers but stopped and only 6% were still smoking. Health status and Health assessment: Table 2 (following screen) shows the main characteristics of the health status of the sample, 59% of the patients were having two or more medical diseases, 64% of patients mainly depended on themselves, while 36% sometimes or never depended on themselves. 80.5% had hearing impairment, and 91% had visual impairment. 93% showed no evidence of nutritional defect, 79% showed no evidence of mental defect, the prevalence of dementia was 18% (P = 0.00). The prevalence of depression was 25% (P = 0.001), 87.5% of the patients were already receiving medications for medical illnesses while 12.5% were not on any medication, 86 % were compliant to their medications while 14 % were not compliant to medications. Table
1: Socio-demographic characteristics of the elderly
Table 3: Factors associated with self-dependence for ADL
for ADL: Table 3 showed that self-dependence for A D L was significantly
correlated to age (P = 0.000), visual impairment (P = 0.000), mobility
(P= 0.000), nutritional status, the presence of depression (P = 0.000),
the general mental state (P =0.000), and marital status (P = 0.000).
There was no significant association of self-dependence for ADL with
adequacy of social support, sex of the patient nor the medical diagnoses
the patient had. Out of 113 patients, 87 were seen in the clinic while
26 were seen at home. Mann-Whitney comparison test showed high statistical
significance (P = 0.00), when comparing those seen in the clinic to
those seen at home in relation to their age, marital status, mobility,
general mental state, selfdependence, general appearance and nutritional
state. Mobility Patients
receiving clinical care at home 26 patients of the sample (23%)
received clinical care at home, over half of them were 85 years of age
and above (P = 0.001). 62% of them were immobile (P = 0.002), 61.5 %
widowed (P = 0.000), 92% were sometimes or never dependent on themselves,
3 patients (11.5%) among those seen at home were neglected (P = 0.002).
The majority had good nutritional state (77%), 46% had highly
adequate social support, and 15.4 % had non-adequate social support.
Mann-Whitney test showed statistical significance (P = 0.000) in relation
to age, marital status, general mental state, mobility and selfdependence.
Table 4 shows the major differences between those studied in the clinic
and those studied at home. Table 4: Major comparisons between those seen in the clinic and those seen at home
P* = Mann –
Whitney Statistical Significance; DISCUSSION The purpose of this study was to describe the major socio-demographic characteristics of the elderly population in Abdullah Al-Salem area and to describe the health status and factors influencing their independence state for the performance of ADL. The profile of illnesses and disabilities due to ageing was similar to a large extent to Americans. The literature showed that the majority of Americans (> 90%) has at least one medical diagnosis, 91% have visual defect, 90% of older Americans needed eyeglasses, 80.5% had hearing defects, screening for visual and hearing loss in the old is important since older patients may not complain of or recognize that their vision or hearing is impaired[12,13]. The fact that 86.5% of patients were receiving medications implies that as they grow older the elderly usually have polypharmacy, at least 90% of Americans over the age of 65 take at least one medication daily and the majority take two or more medications daily [12,13]. The prevalence of depression ranged from 13 -27%, which is similar to the rate seen in our sample (25 %)[12,14]. Depression is prevalent in the elderly and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, perhaps it is the most frequent cause of emotional s u fferings in later life[15-21]. It is particularly important for primary care physicians to be aware of the symptoms of depression, as it may present with only simple sleep disturbances. It is often under-diagnosed and/or under- recognized by primary care physicians[18,21]. A large number of studies assessing the relationship between depression and medical burden have focused on patients with cardiac diseases, and recent researchers have focused on the role of depression as an independent risk factor for cardiac disease[16,17,21]. Of morbidity identified within this population, the one illness that can be relatively easily treated, is depression. This treatment would have a beneficial effect on several domains. It would improve the cognitive function of the individuals as well as increase their motivation to maintain activity and independence. Depression is an illness identified in the elderly that should be diagnosed well and easily treated in order to hasten remission rate, prevent relapse, and improve patient’s quality of life. SSRI
(the newer antidepressants) have been compared with the tricyclic antidepressants
and have been found to be more effective, with higher levels of tolerance,
fewer dosage adjustments and greater acceptance among the elderly[21].
Presence of age-related functional disability did not influence the
self-independence state of the elderly until they were above 85. This
was consistent with the fact that aging process, mobility and self-dependence
were not influenced by the diseases the patients had[11-13].
As people grow above 85, their independence is lost and they rarely
depend on themselves as the majority become immobile[14 , 21].
Many factors contributed to the causation of immobility in old age and
these included, physical causes such as osteoarthrosis of the joints,
neurological deficit, previous falls and sensory deprivation. Social
factors such as retirement, loneliness, and many others[3,14,21]
also contributed to immobility. High p revalence of age-related disability
among the subjects was consistent with the findings that incr easing
age was associated with increasing disability, and loss of independence
due to functional impairments such as loss of mobility, vision, and
hearing[3, 22 ]. As individuals become older, normal changes
occur, slowing down vital processes, thereby resulting in anatomical
changes and altered functions. A study done in England in 1996 on elderly
patients who were physically disabled and cognitively impaired showed
that very elderly people and those with cognitive impairment make up
a large proportion of those in need of long term care, institutionalized
care or intensive home care[20]. Patients should be aware
of the likely changes and the methods to cope with them, but there is
little awareness of the importance of regular follow-up and preventive
initiatives for the aged. A national study done in 1992 in Britain had shown that the prevalence of elderly abuse in the patient’s own home was significant with physical abuse 2% and verbal abuse 5%[20,22,23]. 45% of carers of the elderly in respite care admitted to some form of abuse in one study[20]. The problem of abuse had received little attention because physicians usually sense that raising the question of abuse, threatens the trust needed in the therapeutic relationship[24]. Neglect is one form of elderly abuse, which needs to be discussed with carers and involved care agencies, social services, or the police in case of evident crime. Admission to a safe place may have to be considered[20,25]. The Ministry of Health in Kuwait had been seriously directing the scope of care to the elderly in the country this year to avoid such tragic events. There had been intensive programs to construct protocols for the comprehensive care of the elderly in Kuwait in conjunction with the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Rehabilitation Hospital. The significant correlation noticed between receiving clinical care at home and having normal psychological state probably suggested that receiving regular follow-up and clinical care at home on the long run and not on demand only, would result in a better psychological state for the old. A study done on 100 elderly patients who were living in the community in Australia in the year 2000 suggested that the usefulness of regular preventive home visits was limited to those 75 years old and above[24], while other studies in 1999 did not favor home visits to elderly patients 65 years old, or younger[26-28]. Finally,
we may conclude that the pattern of care given to the old nowadays is
not only curative, but also fragmented. It had been patient-relative
initiated and essentially crises-oriented. The Comprehensive Family
Practice care of the elderly should aim at: Limitations
of the study ACKNOWLEGEMENTS REFERENCES 1. Federal Interagency Forum - on Aging-Related Statistics (US). Older Americans 2000 : key indicators of well being; 2000. 2. Internet Releases Of the U.S. Bureau of Census and The National Center for Health Statistics. Profile of Older Americans 1998 (cited 2000 May 15) available from http:// www.aoa.dhhs.gov /aoa/stats/profile/default.htm. 3. Rochon P, Smith R. Aging: a global theme issue. BMJ 1996; 313:1502. 4. Information Department M.O.H. Statistics Operation Section 2001. 5. WHO. Planning and Organization of Geriatric Services. Report of WHO Expert committee1978. Technical Report Series No. 548. 6. Mead M. Screening the Elderly. Practice Update 1989; 10:617-623. 7. Brenda K, Jane FP. Office-Based Assessment of the elderly patients. Hospital Medicine 1997; 33:25-38 . 8. Elgammal S, Qasrawi BM, Al-Busairi W. A. Psycho-geriatric problems among elderly male residents in Kuwait elderly care home. Journal of the Kuwait Medical Association, Supplementary Issue1994; 10:315-317. 9. Lawton MP, Brody EM. Assessment of older people: Selfmaintaining and Instrumental activities of daily living. Gerontologist 1969; 9:179-186. 10. David VE, Avril CV, Cindy LJ and Charles PM. Diagnostic Approach to the Confused Elderly Patient. American Family Physician 1998 March 15 (cited April 2000), available from www.aafp.org/afp/980315 a p/espino.html. 11. Geriatric Medicine. Community Internal Medicine Division. Mayo Clinic Rochester. Practical Functional Assessment of Older Persons [cited April2000] available from www.mayo.edu/geriatrics-rst/PFA.html 12. Daly MP, Katzel LI. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in the Elderly. Public Health Service. DHHS Publication (PHS) [cited Feb.2001]: Epidemiology of Self-Dependence among Kuwaiti Elderly Population of Abdullah Al-Salem Area June 2003 104 www.cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/dental/dentaleducationalsoftware/prevention.html 13 . Geriatric Medicine. Community Internal Medicine Division. Mayo Clinic Rochester. Drugs Prescribing in The Elderly (cited April 2000), available from www.mayo.edu.geriatrics-rst/Drug.html 14. Lebowitz BD, Pearson JL, Schneider LS et al. Diagnosis and treatment of depression in late life. Consensus Statement update. JAMA1997; 278:1186-1190. 15. McDonald WM, Salzman C, Schatzberg AF. Depression in the elderly. Psychopharmacology Bull 2002; 36:112-122. 16. Romanelli J, Fauerbach JA, Bush DE, Ziegelstein RC. The significance of depression in older patients after myocardial infarction. J Am Geriatr Soc 2002; 50:817-822. 17. Shiotani I, Sato H, Kinjo K et al. Depressive symptoms predict 12-months prognosis in elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction. J Cardiovasc Risk 2002; 9:153-60. 18. Charlson M, Peterson JC. Medical comorbidity and late life depression: what is known and what are the unmet needs? Biological Psychiatry 2002; 52:226-235. 19. Blazer DG. Depression in late life: review and commentary. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2003; 58:249-265. 20. Alex K, Andrew P. Practical general practice guidelines for effective clinical management, 3rd ed. London: Butterworth Heinemann Publisher; 1999. 21. Khaw KT. Healthy Aging. BMJ 1997; 315:1090-1096. 22. Homer AC, Gilleard C. Abuse of elderly people by their carers. BMJ 1990; 301:1359-1362. 23. Ogg J, Bennett G. Elder Abuse in Britain, BMJ 1992; 305:998-999. 24. Lawrence H. Ethical Issues in The Case of Judgement Impaired. In Tanya F.J.editor. Handbook on Ethical Issues in Aging. 1st edition (USA), Westport, Green Wood Press, 1999. 25. MacLean DS. Preventing Abuse and Neglect in Long-Term Care part 1: Legal and Political Aspects. Annals of Long Term Care 1999; 7: 452-458. 26. Newbury J, Marley J. Functional Assessment of the Elderly. Electronic Rapid Response to Improving The Health Behaviors of Elderly People. BMJ 1999; 319:683-687. 27. van Haastregt JC, Diederiks JP, van Rossum E et al. Effects of preventive home visits to elderly people living in the community: systematic review . BMJ 2000; 320:754-758. 28. Buckley E, Williamson J. What sort of "health checks" for older people? BMJ 1988; 269:1144-1145.
2004 A
study on physical, social and mental problems of the elderly in District
13 of Tehran Active
Aging: the whole society benefits |